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Make a difference with our gifts for a more eco-friendly Christmas

Make a difference with our gifts for a more eco-friendly Christmas

This time last year 14 million BBC viewers were shown the harsh reality of the globe’s plastic crisis on Blue Planet 2. We now dump a staggering 8 million tons of plastic into our oceans every year. This Christmas, as well as sourcing unique and inspirational gifts, we’ve also tried to find some Christmas alternatives for those looking for a more eco-friendly Christmas.

FOSH bottle

FOSH water bottles - FOSH stands for ‘For our Seas Health’ and is a brand passionate about changing the world’s drinking habits to protect this incredible planet we call home. Their range of reusable water bottles and coffee cups are stylish and useful presents that not only look great but also make a difference.

Huskup reusable coffee cups - Coffee can make your world a better place but only 1% of coffee cups are recycled and we plough through an astounding 2.5 billion of them every year in the UK alone. These beauties are made from recycled rice husks which are strong and resistant to moisture. They’re completely food safe and can even be popped in the dish washer.

How to give up on plastic - A brilliant little book to pop in a Christmas stocking. It’s written by the campaigner at the forefront of the anti-plastic movement and advises how you can make the small changes that make a big difference; from buying a reusable coffee cup to running a clean-up at your local park or beach. It's the ultimate guide to the fight against plastic!

Memo bottles - These come from a land down under where the designers and keen surfers, saw daily the damage single use plastic was doing to the environment. These are slim line, reusable water bottles designed to fit stylishly into handbags, backpacks, laptop bags and even in your pocket. What's even cooler is that every bottle sold provides one person with two months access to clean water!

Bamboo Friends bamboo lunch boxes - Bamboo is one of the most eco-friendly crops you can cultivate. It’s fast growing, needs no pesticides and chemicals and reduces carbon dioxide by 35%. These lunchboxes are made from renewable bamboo fibre, corn starch and melamine resin.

Find these and many more unique and individual gifts in our shops in Alresford, Cheltenham, Hungerford, Haslemere and Stockbridge and online.

Previous article Father's Day Gift Ideas

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